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Atlantic ocean waves on the beach at Montauk Point Light, Lighthouse, Long Island, New Yor
We repeat what we don't repair

This is where change begins.

Why Therapeutic

Therapeutic coaching is the perfect hybrid relationship, bringing the education, experience and compassion of a licensed therapist together with the energy, focus and relationality of a coach.


I get the opportunity to offer my clients my knowledge, expertise and professionalism as a licensed clinician along with the flexibility that comes from being a coach. The private pay coaching relationship, available online from anywhere in the world, eliminates the concerns of mental health diagnoses, medical records, involvement of health insurance, or the need to disclose treatment when applying for disability or life insurance policies. 

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My Story

It's been quite a long, winding and twisting path that has led me to right here, right now, with you.  For much of my journey I have tried to figure things out on my own.  I want to share what I have learned along the road.

As a certified EMDR clinician, I can help you differentiate the sound of your intuition guiding you and the trauma misleading you.

Trauma comes in all shapes and sizes and how we respond to that trauma affects us and our loved ones.  Sometimes unhealthy coping strategies lead us to addictive behaviors, or we experience trauma at the hands of someone we love and then we need to find the inner wisdom and strength to guide and protect ourselves and perhaps our children.

I don't believe in coincidence.  You've found me for a reason.  I am so glad you're here and now you don't have to figure everything out on your own.

Helping People at a Crossroad

Everything happens to people on a journey.  I invite you to work through some of the more challenging times either with me, one on one, or with other people struggling with a similar issue.  For programs, you can access videos on demand at your convenience and also join me and the other participants in the weekly live coaching group.

Discover how to change your relationship with alcohol

Wooden floor with overturned glass of red wine. Spilled wine on a wooden laminate (parquet

Weekly Coaching Calls

Are you concerned about your drinking?   Do you want to to stop drinking and create a life you love living? My goal is to get you to a full year of sobriety, and for you to look back and see that your life has improved in every single area. And, we can do it without rehab or telling your employer. You can apply my approach whether you haven’t stopped (but really want to), or have already stopped for some period of time. Enroll in this 12 week on demand course with weekly live group coaching

EMDR - heal from the symptoms and distress of disturbing life experiences


Online EMDR

Therapeutic Coaching sits in the space between therapy and coaching and is designed for clients who – at most – would meet criteria for a minor diagnosis such as an adjustment disorder. The model is not to be used as a substitute for traditional therapy, and is not designed to treat serious clinical diagnoses. Sessions do not qualify for health insurance but are often eligible for some healthcare payment plans including FSA or HSA  Please contact your provider.

Parallel Parenting after divorcing a narcissist, raising resilient kids

Sad little girl is looking at camera while her parents are arguing in the background.jpg

12 Week Course Online

You've finally done it.  You have broken free from the narcissist, gotten divorced, started healing and moving on.  But what about your kids?  They still have to spend time with the narcissist.  How can you protect them from the gaslighting, blaming, toxic environment that surrounds a narcissist.  Whether the golden child or the scape goat, it can lead to mental health issues in the future.  The good new is "One Healthy Parent is Enough"   Learn how to instill resiliency in your children.  Show them how to feel your love, even when you are apart.  Enroll in this 12 week course with weekly live group coaching

Contact me to begin your next steps in moving forward.

940 Danbury Road Wilton, CT 06897


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